Personal Portraits Persönliche Portraits Portraits pessoais
You Are Art!
Du bist Kunst!
Você está Arte!

Eine Position mit mehreren Ebenen.
Mit der Melted Collage können wir nicht nur Bilder herstellen, sondern auch Objekte, Mischformen aus Bild und Objekt, sowie kleidungsähnliche Dinge, Masken und andere Requisiten.
In Verbindung mit professioneller Fotografie und moderner Drucktechnik auf Alu-Dibond können wir auf diese Art Portraits bis zu einer Höhe von 200 cm erstellen. A position with several levels.
With the Melted Collage, we can produce not only images but also objects, hybrid forms of image and object, as well as things like clothing, masks and other props.
In conjunction with professional photography and modern printing technology on aluminum Dibond we can create this kind of portraits to a height of 200 cm. A position with several levels.
With the Melted Collage, we can produce not only images but also objects, hybrid forms of image and object, as well as things like clothing, masks and other props.
In conjunction with professional photography and modern printing technology on aluminum Dibond we can create this kind of portraits to a height of 200 cm. Uma posição com vários níveis.
Com o Melted Collage, nós podemos produzir não só imagens, mas também objetos, formas híbridas de imagem e objeto, bem como coisas como roupas, máscaras e outros adereços.
Em conjunto com a fotografia profissional e moderna tecnologia de impressão em alumínio dibond podemos criar este tipo de retratos a uma altura de 200 cm.

Das Licht von Caravaggio und die Stofflichkeit von Velazquez vereinen sich mit den Welten von Max Ernst und den Masken von Francis Bacon zu einer völlig neuartigen Form von Portrait-Bildnis. The light of Caravaggio and the materiality of Velazquez, unite with the worlds of Max Ernst and the masks of Francis Bacon to a completely new form of portrait art. The light of Caravaggio and the materiality of Velazquez, unite with the worlds of Max Ernst and the masks of Francis Bacon to a completely new form of portrait art. A luz de Caravaggio ea materialidade de Velazquez, unir-se com os mundos de Max Ernst e as máscaras de Francis Bacon em uma forma completamente nova de arte do retrato.
Die Bilder auf dieser Seite vermitteln einen Eindruck von diesen Arbeiten.
Die eigentliche Besonderheit ist jedoch, dass wir anbieten, persönliche Portraits in dieser Technik zu erstellen.
"Du bist Kunst"...
Dieses Motto gilt in mehrfacher Hinsicht: Die Kleidungsstücke sind Kunst, sie nicht wirklich tragbar, und werden individuell für das jeweilige Bildnis angefertigt. Das Material ist künstlich, gleichzeitig zeitgenössisch, denn die Objekte bestehen aus Zivilisationsmüll. Durch Licht und unsere Fotokunst entsteht eine sehr edle Anmutung, die im Kontrast zu den verwendeten Materialien steht. Und im Mittelpunkt der Inszenierung: Sie.
(bzw. eine Person Ihrer Wahl.)
Wir erstellen die Kleidungs-Objekte individuell und machen ca. 500 Fotos, aus denen wir das Eine auswählen, das als Unikat lichtecht auf Alu-Dibond übertragen wird. Die größte Bildkante kann bis zu 200 cm betragen.
Für das Fotografieren muss uns der Kunde ca. einen halben Tag lang zur Verfügung stehen.
Die Fotos machen wir wahlweise in unserem Atelier am Möhnesee oder an einem Ort Ihrer Wahl (in diesem Fall zzgl. Spesen). Wir arbeiten weltweit. The images on this page give an impression of this work. The real special feature is that we offer to create personal portraits in this technique.
"You are art" ...
This motto is in several respects: The clothes are art, they are not really portable, and created individually for each image. The material is artificial, while contemporary, because the objects are made of civilization-trash. Our light and photographic art creates a very sophisticated look, which is in contrast to the used materials. And the focus of the presentation: you.
(or a person of your choice.)
We create the individual items of clothing and make about 500 photographs, from which we select the one that is transmitted as a light-proof unique on aluminum Dibond. The lagest edge of the image can be up to 200 cm.
For photographing, the customer must be available for about half a day. The photos we shoot in our studio at Möhnesee or a place of your choice (in this case, plus expenses). We work worldwide. The images on this page give an impression of this work. The real special feature is that we offer to create personal portraits in this technique.
"You are art" ...
This motto is in several respects: The clothes are art, they are not really portable, and created individually for each image. The material is artificial, while contemporary, because the objects are made of civilization-trash. Our light and photographic art creates a very sophisticated look, which is in contrast to the used materials. And the focus of the presentation: you.
(or a person of your choice.)
We create the individual items of clothing and make about 500 photographs, from which we select the one that is transmitted as a light-proof unique on aluminum Dibond. The lagest edge of the image can be up to 200 cm.
For photographing, the customer must be available for about half a day. The photos we shoot in our studio at Möhnesee or a place of your choice (in this case, plus expenses). We work worldwide. As imagens desta página dar uma impressão de esta obra. O recurso especial é verdade que nós oferecemos para criar retratos pessoais nesta técnica.
"Você é arte" ...
Este lema é em vários aspectos: As roupas são de arte, eles não são realmente portátil, e criados individualmente para cada imagem. O material é artificial, ao mesmo tempo contemporâneo, porque os objetos são feitos de lixo da civilização. Nossa luz e arte fotográfica cria uma aparência muito sofisticada, que está em contraste com os materiais utilizados. E o foco da apresentação: você.
(ou uma pessoa de sua escolha.)
Nós criamos os itens individuais de roupa e fazer cerca de 500 fotografias, a partir do qual podemos seleccionar o que se transmite como uma prova de luz único em alumínio dibond. O lagest borda da imagem pode ser de até 200 cm.
Para fotografar, o cliente deve estar disponível para cerca de meio dia. As fotos que tiro no nosso estúdio em Möhnesee ou um lugar de sua escolha (neste caso, mais despesas). Trabalhamos em todo o mundo.

Entwurf für ein Vogue Cover Design for a Vogue cover Projeto para uma capa da Vogue
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie dieses Angebot nutzen möchten. Sei es für ein Selbstbildnis oder für ein Portrait eines lieben Menschen Ihrer Wahl. Kunst ist etwas unvergängliches - Du bist Kunst ...
Weitere Informationen und Preise auf Anfrage. We would be pleased if you would like to take this offer. Be it for a self-portrait or a portrait for a loved one of your choice. Art is something imperishable - you are art ...
More informations and prices on request. We would be pleased if you would like to take this offer. Be it for a self-portrait or a portrait for a loved one of your choice. Art is something imperishable - you are art ...
More informations and prices on request. Ficaríamos satisfeitos se você gostaria de aproveitar esta oferta. Seja para um auto-retrato ou um retrato de um ente querido de sua escolha. A arte é imperecível alguma coisa - você é arte ...
Mais informações e preços sob consulta.