The Can Factory
The New Position In Contemporary Art
Die neue Position in der zeitgen�ssischen Kunst
A Nova Posi��o Na Arte Contempor�nea
Eine Position mit mehreren Ebenen.
Mit der Melted Collage k�nnen wir nicht nur Bilder herstellen, sondern auch Objekte, Mischformen aus Bild und Objekt, sowie kleidungs�hnliche Dinge, Masken und andere Requisiten.
In Verbindung mit professioneller Fotografie und moderner Drucktechnik auf Alu-Dibond k�nnen wir auf diese Art Portraits bis zu einer H�he von 200 cm erstellen. A position with several levels.
With the Melted Collage, we can produce not only images but also objects, hybrid forms of image and object, as well as things like clothing, masks and other props.
In conjunction with professional photography and modern printing technology on aluminum Dibond we can create this kind of portraits to a height of 200 cm. A position with several levels.
With the Melted Collage, we can produce not only images but also objects, hybrid forms of image and object, as well as things like clothing, masks and other props.
In conjunction with professional photography and modern printing technology on aluminum Dibond we can create this kind of portraits to a height of 200 cm.
Das Licht von Caravaggio und die Stofflichkeit von Velazquez vereinen sich mit den Welten von Max Ernst und den Masken von Francis Bacon zu einer v�llig neuartigen Form von Portrait-Bildnis. The light of Caravaggio and the materiality of Velazquez, unite with the worlds of Max Ernst and the masks of Francis Bacon to a completely new form of portrait art. The light of Caravaggio and the materiality of Velazquez, unite with the worlds of Max Ernst and the masks of Francis Bacon to a completely new form of portrait art. A luz de Caravaggio ea materialidade de Velazquez, unir-se com os mundos de Max Ernst e as m�scaras de Francis Bacon em uma forma completamente nova de arte do retrato.
The Can Factory
Earth Walk
earth walks the land
fleshed in man
maimed, coated in plastic
do you see me
children brazenly look
we be grown-ups
that have not forgotten
steal a look back
from the youth of our ages
but no one engages
but no one engages
but no one engages
but no one engages
but no one engages
but no one engages
but no one engages
[Poem by Yolantha Harrison-Pace]
Can Factory Walkact